More Sunny Day Real Estate Reunion Rumors

An odd little entry in the latest line of Sunny Day Real Estate reunion rumors:

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What’s odd about that? Well, anyone familiar with SDRE’s odd history will tell you that their first go-’round as a band, the group never played California. It was just one of many quirks the group became infamous for among members of the media – some of the others being their lack of any publicity shots and only did one interview – and could be due to the old time animosity between California and Washington State… Though who knows for sure.

So the California thing has a big shot at being a hoax; why wouldn’t the band have their “first” potential reunion show in their native Seattle. Or this could be another pulling-everyone’s-chain thing to either throw people off, or a big humorous gesture/idea of starting anew in the state they’d shunned in the beginning.

So how does Chris Cantore know about all this? Well, here’s what he just told me via Twitter:

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Yep. He could be talking about those rumors that Nate Mendel is working with The Jealous Sound and they’ll be opening for SDRE on a reunion go-round. It’s plausible yes, but I’m not going to declare anything until I get word from the band members themselves. So, keep your eyes open folks!

One response to “More Sunny Day Real Estate Reunion Rumors

  1. Pingback: SDRE + The Jealous Sound… « Perfect Lines

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